Review |

Nadel Paris is an artist promoting positivity and good vibes with her music – Ooh La La La La is a strong introduction to her approach, as well as a smooth and quickly catchy new track for the approaching summer.

Smooth is the key here, the song is lightly energetic and clearly loaded with optimism – a bright and hopeful chord progression, a simple and effective melody line and lyrical spread to match – none of this comes through too heavily though; the song is easy to have play around you. For me, it has something of a 90’s Kylie sound about it, subtly but surely making its way into your sub-conscious mind, certain to re-appear on numerous occasions later on in the day.

Nadel Paris’ voice suits the style of her music pretty perfectly. Her tone has a slight level of depth that adds a whole new layer to the soundscape, and her personality undoubtedly shines brightly throughout the track. Across her online presence it’s clear that inspiring togetherness and acceptance is a high priority for her with music, and you can hear this in the lyrics and in the generally joyful, in-the-moment energy of this single. As stated, it all quickly gets caught in your mind, it brings a feeling of calmness, and at the same time, it showcases the Nadel Paris sound and a clear and memorable way.

Paris is no stranger to creativity and this song highlights her awareness of what works in pop music, as well as her passion for singing. It also underlines her desire to promote love and peacefulness. Everything about the track speaks proudly on behalf of possibility and of enjoying life while it’s here.

Download the single Ooh La La La La via iTunes. Find & follow Nadel Paris on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram. Visit her Website for more information.